Majestic Islam

Science, at a very later stage, reveals new secrets about Zamzam water and the way it is influenced by the verses of the Glorious Quran. YOU WILL BE STUNNED!! READ THIS!!

We have recently realized the value of the use of amulets. It has been scientifically proven that water is affected by what is recited over it. Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto has had a unique experience. He said that he had read in a book that each snowflake falling from the sky is unique. He said that his scientific instincts told him that this was not true. The geometric shape of the snowflake is determined by its chemical composition. The composition of water is well known – two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So how come snowflakes that fall from the sky are different from one another? He said: “I was determined to prove that this theory was false.”…

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